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IQRC 2023 in
THE STAR Newspaper!

Positioning Critical Lenses in Qualitative Research

Research methodologies of qualitative inquiry have continued to evolve because of its self-perpetuating critical evaluation to arrive at authentic and trustworthy representations of participants’ voices. This is necessary for qualitative research methodology to stay relevant as a research paradigm especially as contexts surrounding its social actors are in constant flux. Qualitative researchers need to take with them the principles underpinning axiology and fully acknowledge the paradigms of knowledge construction in their findings. Only then, can they fulfil their responsibility of connecting participants’ voices to relevant stakeholders in society. Therefore, to further understand our complex society, qualitative researchers require new perspectives to constantly challenge norms and familiar thinking. In the 11th International Qualitative Research Conference (2023), a re-emphasis on the importance of critical examination of qualitative methodologies will be placed front and centre. Questions about how qualitative researchers should position critical lenses in everchanging human contexts will be raised and discussed. With this critical evaluation, we hope to position qualitative research in its rightful place in scientific discourse so as to contribute to a just and balanced society.

Sustainability Action

In our effort to act responsibly towards contributing to Malaysia’s pledge to sustainability and energy transition, IQRC 2023 will be organized with reduced waste and consumption. As such, we will not be giving out any conference bags during the conference. We urge all participants to please bring their own bags to the conference.



University of Michigan, USA

Keynote speaker 1 Prof. Dr. John W. Creswell

This presentation will begin by identifying the many "approaches" or "modes of inquiry" for conducting qualitative research. Professor Creswell will describe major "approaches" being used in international qualitative research and presented within his qualitative methods books.  Within these many possibilities, Professor Creswell will then describe narrative research as an important qualitative approach gaining prominence in international research. Within narrative research, he will then focus on "writing with cultural sensitivity" and what that means to him, and how researchers need to be aware of and incorporate into their narrative studies elements of their culture. He will illustrate this incorporating by reporting on his own narrative study, "Uncovering Grief: Living with Parent Loss as an Adult." His narrative study, a grief memoir, forced him to challenge his cultural assumptions and incorporate his United States Midwestern culture into his writings.


Director, Interdisciplinary Centre for Qualitative Research,

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Keynote speaker 2 Dr. Martin Christensen

The growing interest in qualitative research in the Asian context means that it is establishing itself as an approach that is gaining acceptance against a background of traditional quantitative methods. However, there appears to be dilution of now what constitutes qualitative research methods. In this keynote address, Dr Christensen, reflects on the traditions of qualitative methods from the big four to the variety of different approaches of analysing qualitative data. He argues are we ‘missing the point’ about what qualifies as qualitative research especially in the more technosociological landscape we now find ourselves in as well as the seemingly hybridasation of qualitative research to encompass more for less.


President, Qualitative Research Association of Malaysia (QRAM),

Senior Lecturer, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP) Malaysia

In this session, Dr. Chong will share her perspective on where qualitative research is currently positioned in Malaysia especially in view of how qualitative researchers are constantly confronting mainstream, default post-positivist perspectives within the Malaysian research context. Drawn from her work, Illustrations and examples of how qualitative researchers soldier on amidst systemic, paradigmatic challenges will show the ways in which they demonstrate criticality in social research. This talk seeks to encourage social researchers to be reflexive of their own positions in research in order to defend criticality and to bring voices from the margins to mainstream.

Dr. Chong Su Li


Keynote speaker 1 Professor Dr. John W. Creswell

Workshop 1

Steps in Planning and Conducting a Qualitative Study 

Professor Dr. John W. Creswell

Keynote speaker 2 Dr. Martin Christensen

Workshop 2

Content and Thematic Analysis: Are we confused as to what it is we’re doing

Dr. Martin Christensen

Workshop 3 speaker Associate Professor Dr. Jeffrey Yee
Dr. Chong Su Li

Workshop 3

Doing Qualitative Data Analysis using Narrative and Phenomenographic Approaches

Associate Professor Dr. Jeffrey Yee & Dr. Chong Su Li

Workshop 4

Critical design: Demystifying myths in Qualitative Research

– Professor Rohaida M Saat & Dr. Ng Soo Boon

Prof Rohaida Md Saat
Dr. Ng Soo Boon


The registration process is now open – registration fees are listed below.

*The early bird offer ends on 31st August 2023.

Fees are the same for presenters and participants of the conference.

The registration fee includes morning/evening breaks and lunches on Friday and Saturday.



Deadline for abstract submission: 20th October 2023

Notification of abstract acceptance: 30th October 2023

Deadline for early bird registration: 31st August 2023

Deadline for standard registration: 10th November 2023

Deadline for workshop registration: 10th November 2023 (extended)

Conference: 24th - 25th November 2023


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