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Qualitative Research Association of Malaysia
MJQR welcomes any manuscripts on qualitative research whether it is in progress or a completed piece. To give your article the best chance of publication, kindly ensure that you have completed the manuscript submission checklist below.
Please submit formatted articles using this template.
We are in the process of migrating to an online submission system.
Journal Submission Guidelines
a) Format. The manuscript should be submitted as a soft copy to the Editor at qram.journal@gmail.com. Manuscripts must be typed using New Times Roman (Font 12) and all parts must be double-spaced with 5cm (1.2 in) margins. The soft copy must be in a Word document.
Manuscripts will not be considered for publication if they have been published before, or if they are under review by another journal or publisher. Manuscripts accepted for publication must not be published elsewhere without the consent of the Editor and Publishers. (See Publication Ethics)
The journal will only accept manuscripts submitted either entirely in British English or entirely in American English. All manuscripts are requested to be prepared in accordance with the latest APA format (APA 7th Edition), which is outlined below.
b) Length. The length of a manuscript should be between 5000 and 7000 words inclusive of all documents (tables, illustrations, bibliographies as well as appended texts).
c) Title Page Affiliations. The title page should carry:
(i) The title of the article
(ii) The author(s)’ name(s)
(iii) Each author’s email address
(iv) Each author’s affiliated institution(s), including the author’s faculty, full address of the institution and postcode
(v) In the case of a long title, an abbreviated version of no more than 40 characters (including spaces) should be supplied by the author for running heads.
(vi) Authors’ contributions (names must be given as initials)
d) Abstract. Provide an abstract of 250-300 words in the soft copy and include keywords. The abstracts need to have Intro, Method, (Important) Results and Discussion. Please do not include any references in the abstract, making sure it serves as a general introduction to the topic and as a brief, non-technical summary of the main results and their implications.
e) Figures, Tables and Illustrations. Each should be clearly titled and numbered consecutively. All visual presentations including photographs, illustrations, table charts, diagrams, etc must be camera-ready for immediate reproduction. All original figures or glossy should be provided. A list of the figures, tables and illustrations captions should be typed on separate sheets at the end of the manuscripts. The formatting of tables and figures should follow the latest APA format (APA 7th edition). The maximum size of tables must be one page.
f) Headings. Headings (Major division, placed at the margin, in bold) should be as follows:
(i) Introduction
(ii) Background of Study – Include literature review, study gap, the purpose of study, and research questions of the study
(iii) Method – Include research methodology, research site, sampling, description of how data is collected and how analysis is done
(iv) Results & Discussion
(v) Conclusion and Recommendation – Include limitations of the study and future work
(vi) Declaration of Statement
(vii) Acknowledgement
(viii) Statement of conflict of interest
g) References. Please adhere to the instructions provided for citations in the text and the reference.
(i) In-text. The author(s)’ name(s) and date of publication should be given e.g. (Jones, 1975); for quotations (Jones & Smith, 1974, p.79)
(ii) In reference. References should be cited according to the latest APA format (7th Edition) and as illustrated below:
Woods, P. (2001). London: -Title-. Routlege Falmer.
Ely, M.,Vinz, R.,Downing, M. & Anzul, M.(1997). -Title- . London: The Falmer Pres
Denzin, N.K.(1994). The art and politics of interpretation. In Denzin, N.K. & Lincoln, Y.S.(eds.). (pp.485-5000). California:
Sage Publications.
Lizarazo, S. V. (2013). Default risk and risk-averse international investors. Journal of International Economics, 89(2), 317–330.
Samuel, M.(1992). The social construction of text: [Unpublished doctoral thesis], Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Hoepft, M.C.(1997). Choosing qualitative research: A primer for technology education researchers. Journal of technology education,
9(1). Retrieved on 12th April, 2005 from http://scholar.lib.vt.edu./ejournals/JTE/v9nl/hoepfl.html.
Presenter, A. A., & Presenter, B. B. (Year, Month, day range). Title of contribution [Type of contribution]. Conference name, Location. DOI or URL
Fairey, E. & McKenzie, J. (2012, May 30—June 2). "If it ain’t broke, why fix it?”: Simon Fraser
University Library’s liaison librarian service review [Presentation]. CLA 2012 National Conference and Trade Show, Ottawa, ON.
Alina Simon. (11 September 2003). Education: A call to corporate. New Straits Times, p.8.
(iii) References used in texts must follow alphabetical order
(iv) References are limited to 60
h). Use of Language. Authors are responsible for delivering their paper in good English, using either entirely British or entirely American spelling in the text. Authors need to be consistent in the use of English. They are also reminded that they are writing for an international audience and advised to avoid national colloquialisms, sexist language and idiomatic use of language
i) Refereeing Procedure. Each article will be reviewed double-blind with a minimum of two reviewers. The refereeing process may take up to a minimum of three months from the date of receipt. Where manuscript revisions are required, authors must ensure that books and articles cited in “References” actually appear in the text and vice versa.
j) Plagiarism. Authors must not use the words, sentences, figures, or ideas of others without attribution. All sources must be cited at the point they are used, and the reuse of wording must be limited and be attributed or quoted in the text. Authors need to use appropriate software to provide a report for plagiarism when submitting their manuscripts. Those found to have been plagiarised from a manuscript by other authors, whether published or unpublished, will be rejected and the authors may incur sanctions. Any published manuscripts may need to be corrected or retracted. (See Publication Ethics)
k) Publishing. The Editorial Board reserves the right to edit manuscripts accepted by the reviewers for publication.
l) Other points. Proofs will be sent to the author (first-named author if no corresponding author is identified on multi-authored papers) and should be returned within the specified time given, preferably by email. Corrections should be restricted to typesetting errors. Authors are requested to answer all queries in full. Subsequent additional corrections will not be possible, so please ensure that your first communication is complete. We are in the process of migrating to an online journal submission system.